Wednesday, November 2, 2011

my thoughts on thoughts

thought provoking picture. why were my friends posed like this? 
it was completely candid. promise.

I realize that this blog is full of little realizations. it's truly been a method of discovery. Anytime I have a post that starts with "thoughts on..." it simply means that I've realized something that I find fits into the bigger picture of things. Other people probably look at these little realizations and just think, "wow, there's so much she doesn't even know yet. Just WAIT until life hits her. she'll be amazed" or maybe they think "wow this girl is so naive and idealistic, can't WAIT for life to hit her." Either way, life hits me, and I'm left to think it through.

Isn't it funny how much we don't know? We humans live our lives and get caught up in so many things only to realize that we don't have any control at all. Then we analyze the bejesus out of these things and think we have a grasp on life. Silly humans, we know nothing. 

I bet all the angels and saints up in heaven are just laughing to death up there. I can just see all the angels sitting around talking and watching. I see them saying things like, "aw there goes that Kat girl again thinking she's so cool and thinking she has all of this figured out. oh  man. little does she know..." 

Why do we get so narrowly focused on all of these things that don't matter? there is so much more. this life is just like a pair of pants that you've grown into and have gotten a little too snug. It's comfortable and it's what we're used to, but we're meant for a bigger size. That's my point my friends! we're meant for such bigger and better things. and I can't wait to see these things.

so that's my goal for the week. to focus on the bigger picture. let the bigger picture humbly remind me that I really don't know anything at all. 

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